PgMP ECO Puzzle application helps PgMP aspirants to memorize the PMI Program Management Certification Examination Content Outline tasks very easily. This application is based on PgMP_Examination_Content_Outline_2011 tasks of PMI.
You may have a clear and ordered image of ECO tasks in your mind in a few days.
Because the PgMP exam is tightly connect with ECO Tasks, memorizing those tasks will help you a lot on PgMP Examination, as it helped to me.
The PgMP ECO Puzzle application takes a randomly task of the all domain tasks and asks you to where to place that task. If the tasks is placed correctly, the application asks you the next task to place. Otherwise the correct value for specified location is shown in red color.
Any time you can swipe the current task to answer it later and get a new fresh task randomly. At top of the application you can see the number of remaining tasks and the number of wrong answers accompanied by a progress indicator of the correctly answered tasks.